Free introductory Call


20 minutes

This optional session is to see if we would be a good match working together. We will be discussing your general state of health, how much you already know about the Medical Medium protocols, and what specific goals you want to reach with follow-up sessions.
If I think your symptoms are too severe for my experience level, I will recommend you to a colleague in the Medical Medium community- and of course if you yourself come to the conclusion we wouldn’t be a good match. There will be no hard feelings, I promise. Choosing the right health coach for yourself is well worth the consideration.


Consultation Session


45 minutes

In these health coaching sessions, we will look at your current situation in-depth. You will receive health forms that you need to fill out a few days prior to our session so that I can get a thorough understanding of your health history.  With this, I will be able to give you advice specific to your obstacles and difficulties on your journey.






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